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Request for tutorial proposals for the Supercomputing 2024 conference (SC'24)


Consider submitting a tutorial proposal for SC’24, Atlanta, 17-22 Nov 2024. SC Tutorials is one of the largest tutorial programs at any computing-related conference. These high-quality tutorials are a highlight of the SC Conference. 

Tutorial topics include

  •  Basic and introductory topics for expanding broader engagement
  •  Applications and application frameworks
  •  Algorithms, numerical methods, and libraries
  •  Software engineering for portable performance and scalability
  •  Parallel programming methods, models, languages, and environments
  •  Software tools for accelerators (co-processors, GPGPUs, FPGA, etc.)
  •  Quantum computing Algorithms, Simulators, and Devices
  •  Algorithmic tools and runtime support for heterogeneous systems
  •  Performance evaluation and/or optimization tools
  •  Debugging and correctness tools
  •  Data Reduction (Statistical methods, Compression, Progressive methods)
  •  High performance I/O, storage, archive, and file systems
  •  Scalable data mining and machine learning
  •  High performance networking technology
  •  Scientific and information visualization
  •  Systems, tools, and techniques for energy efficiency
  •  Large systems administration and/or resource management
  •  The business aspects of HPC: data center planning
  •  Computer and network security
  •  Fault-tolerance, reliability, maintainability, and adaptability
  •  High performance computer architecture
  •  Embedded and/or reconfigurable systems
  •  Emerging technologies

The Tutorials Committee strongly promotes diversity and inclusivity in all aspects. We particularly welcome and encourage tutorial collaborations that include a diversity of presenters and institutional types, particularly those typically underrepresented at the conference.

Honorarium and travel reimbursement provided for accepted tutorial presenters.

For more details, visit:

- April 19, 2024: Submissions close
- June 28, 2024: Notifications will be sent 
- November 17 - 18, 2024: SC’24 Tutorials



Affinity Group